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2009.01.27 (01:43:51)
ARTIST:  Nirvana 
GENRE:  Psychedelic Rock 
ALBUM:  The Story of Simon Simopath (1967)
All of Us (1967)
Dedicated to Markos III (1970)
Local Anaesthetic (1971)
Songs of Love & Praise (1972) 
MEMBER:  Patrick Campbell Lyons (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray Singer (guitar, vocals)
Brian Henderson (bass)
Alex Spyropoulos (keyboards)
Michael Coe (French horn)
Sylvia Schuster (cello)
Peter Kester (drums) 


Patrick Campbell-Lyon은 그동안 레이블 특집 “Vertigo"에서 여러차례 언급되어 온 거물급 뮤지션이자 프로듀서이다. 그는 가까운 음악 친구들을 초청 자신의 프로젝트에 참여시켜 5매의 앨범을 발표했다. 그가 이끌었던 솔로 프로젝트 그룹 Nirvana는 Psychedelic과 Progressive Rock의 세계를 펼치고 있는데, 그의 Nirvana작품들 중 ”All Of Us"와 “Local Anaesthetic"은 국내에서 라이센스 음반으로 곧 소개될 예정이다.


The Story of Simon Simopath (1967)
1. Wings Of Love
2. Lonely Boy
3. We Can Help You
4. Satellite Jockey
5. In The Courtyard Of The Stars
6. You're Just The One
7. Pentecost Hotel
8. I Never Found A Love Like This
9. Take This Hand
10. 1999


All of Us (1967)
1. Rainbow Chaser
2. Tiny Goddess
3. The Touchables (All Of Us)
4. Melanie Blue
5. Trapeze
6. The Show Must Go On
7. Girl In The Park
8. Miami Masquerade
9. Frankie The Great
10. You Can Try It
11. Everybody Loves The Clown
12. St. John's Wood Affair


Dedicated to Markos III (1970)
1. The World Is Cold Without You
2. Excerpt from "The Blind & The Beautiful"
3. I Talk to My Room
4. Christopher Lucifer
5. Aline Cherie
6. Tres, Tres Bien
7. It Happened Two Sundays Ago
8. Black Flower
9. Love Suite
10. Illinois 


Local Anaesthetic (1971)
1. Modus Operandi (16:09)
2. Home (19:10)
a) Salutation
b) Construction
c) Deconstruction
d) Reconstruction
e) Fanfare


Songs of Love & Praise (1972)
1. Rainbow Chaser
2. Please Believe Me
3. Lord Up Above
4. She's Lost It
5. Nova Sketch
6. Pentecost Hotel
7. I Need Your Love Tonight
8. Will There Be Me
9. Stadium

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