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글 수 137
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조회 수 : 8861
2012.12.16 (16:18:45)
ARTIST:  Pete Sinfield 
YEAR:  1973 
GENRE:  Prog Related 
LABEL:  Manticore, Victor(2005) 
TRACKS:  1. The Song of the Sea Goat (6:08)
2. Under the Sky (4:24)
3. Will It Be You (2:42)
4. Wholefood Boogie (3:40)
5. Still (4:45)
6. Envelopes of Yesterday (6:19)
7. The Piper (2:51)
8. A House of Hopes and Dreams (3:57)
9. The Night People (7:56) 
MUSICIANS:  - Peter Sinfield / vocals, guitar (12 String), synthesizer, guitar (acoustic), guitar (producer, main performer, cover design)
- Min / drums, percussion
- Chris Pyne / trombone
- Stanley Roderick / trumpet
- W.G. Snuffy Walden / guitar
- Ian Wallace / drums, drums (Snare)
- Tim Hinckley / piano (electric), piano
- Snuffy / guitar (electric)
- Brian Flowers / synthesizer
- Don Honeywill / saxophone (Baritone)
- Keith Christmas / guitar
- Greg Lake / guitar (electric), vocals, vocals (background), associate producer, mixing, guitar
- Robin Miller / Wind, cor Anglais
- Greg Bowen / trumpet
- Richard Brunton / guitar (electric), guitar (acoustic), guitar
- Boz Burrell / bass
- B.J. Cole / guitar (Steel)
- Brian Cole / guitar (Steel), guitar
- Mel Collins / celeste, flute (Alto), flute (bass), saxophone, saxophone (Alto), saxophone (Baritone), saxophone (Tenor), Wind, brass, flute (arranger, associate producer, mixing)
- Steve Dolan / guitar (bass), bass
- Tim Hinkley / piano (electric), piano
- Don Honeywell / saxophone, saxophone (Baritone)
- Phil Jump / Glockenspiel, keyboards, organ (Hammond), piano (electric), organ, synthesizer, piano
- The Box / guitar (bass)
- John Wetton / drums, guitar (bass), Fuzz bass, bass, percussion
- Keith Tippett / guitar (bass), piano 
원본출처:  Marquee's Encyclopedia of European-Rock 1966~1987 


Pete Sinfield - Still

<In the Court of the Crimson King>부터 <Island>까지 시와 아트워크로 킹 크림슨을 보다 문학성 높은 존재로 부각시켰던 그는, R.Fripp과의 음악적 대립70년 탈퇴하게 된다. 이후 유일한 솔로 앨범이 바로 본작품이다(93년에 2집 발표).

그 특유의 장식적인 시를 살리면서도 크림슨에서는 현실화되지 못했던 목가적인 곡이나 환상적인 가운데 온화함이 느껴지는 곡 등, 솔직한 그 자신의 모습이 표현되어 있으며, 전편을 통하여 매우 쉽게 친근감을 느낄 수 있다. 그의 다소 어설픈 보컬도 처음부터 드러나지만 그의 친구들의 도움으로 따뜻한 느낌이 난다. 그 외에도 시 또는 프로듀스를 통하여 Roxy Music, El&P, PFM, Angelo Branduardi, Esperanto 등의 작품에 그의 캐릭터를 멋지게 반영하고 있다.

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